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About Our Attorney[pP]>crack install os x
Paul T. McChesney has been emphasizing Social Security Disability, SSI, and Worker's Compensation cases for more than 20 years. He has presented seminars to other attorneys in these areas on both the state and national level. He handles appeals of difficult Social Security cases for a number of other attorneys. He was graduated from Duke University Law School and clerked with Justice Littlejohn of the South Carolina Supreme Court. [pP]>crack install os x
Paul also works with several other specialists to evaluate the cause of your disability, where it might be caused by some wrongful act or exposure. In a larger firm, in these sorts of cases, you will wind up with the best attorney in that firm. If you allow us to evaluate the claim, we will associate the best attorney we know. [pP]>crack install os x
All McChesneys camp and garden and are active in church. Paul spends his free time with his wife, Anne, a teacher, and his children, Will, born in 1990, and Sarah, born in 1986. Sarah McChesney is a senior at Dorman High School and she is in a (seemingly endless) search for colleges. Will is the family computer expert, whose expertise is essential to this site.