Services to Disabled Individuals[pP]>2fast 2furious ringtone
If you live in North or South Carolina, we will be happy to speak to you personally if you have questions, and probably to represent you when you first file a claim, or if you are turned down in a claim for social security disability or SSI. We will also help you with worker's compensation in South Carolina only.[pP]>2fast 2furious ringtoneClick here to contact us., or call us at 1 800 775 3985
If you live in other parts of the country, click here for help finding an attorney.
We generally charge nothing up front, and a percentage of any recovery. [pP]>2fast 2furious ringtone
We will get the evidence needed to show you deserve benefits and file all necessary appeals, including appeals to the Appeals Council and the Federal Courts, which are not uncommon in social security cases. If you consider another attorney, be sure that he or she is accustomed to handling cases at all levels. We try to prepare cases so that they can be won at a higher level if necessary. This is easier to do if the attorney is familiar with practice at these levels. [pP]>2fast 2furious ringtone
We try to give some guidance to our clients to help them benefit from other sources of assistance, such as the worker's compensation system, the vocational rehabilitation system, veteran's programs, the food stamp system, long term disability policies, claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Medicare and Medicaid programs, health insurance programs including continuation of insurance under the COBRA act, sources of free medical treatment and free medication, and other community resources. [pP]>2fast 2furious ringtone
If you want to talk to Paul on the telephone, it is often a good idea to go ahead and set an appointment, as well as leaving a message for him to call back. He often only has one or two chances to call you back, and that way, if he misses you, you and he will still get a chance to talk.